
Speccy alternative windows 10
Speccy alternative windows 10

speccy alternative windows 10

It also has a dedicated real-time information section to see all components that depend on real-time information. Additionally, you can save the generated information with complete control over which information to keep and which to skip. In my opinion, ASTRA32 is a better option for advanced users who need more information with all the details. I will not recommend this tool for any novice user, not because it is complicating (which it’s not) but for the massive amount of information it is capable of throwing at you. It has seven component options located at the top, including Hardware info, Data Storage, Memory, System Info, Network, User & Security and Development. Each option has dozens of components on which you can quickly gain information regarding your PC. If the information you need belongs to any of these seven principal components, then surely, Kiwi System Info will be able to provide details about it. It can be a little confusing to pinpoint to the right information, but if you have enough knowledge about a PC, then it should not be a problem. As all the data is separate into dozens of subheadings, it is also easy to export the required data to a txt file instead of creating a log of all the data.

speccy alternative windows 10

If you can’t find the necessary information in the other system information utilities mentioned in this list, then I will recommend you to at least try Kiwi System Info. Belarc Advisorīelarc Advisor is a small system information tool that is easy to use, but doesn’t offer as robust information as other utilities in this list. The purpose of Belarc Advisor is to check the security of your system and provide information that is related to software and hardware stability and safety. All you have to do is install the system information utility and launch it.

Speccy alternative windows 10